Select lines using ranges in Vim


I would like to select lines visually.

Usually I'd SHIFT-V and select with j and k to highlight the lines.

How do I do it using a colon-range command? e.g. :10,12<?> to select lines 10 – 12 and enter visual mode with that selection. What should I insert for <?> here?

I'm sure it's easy but I don't know what keywords to web-search/browse help for.

Best Answer

Like jw013 says, you can use the vim movements:


If you still want a range command:

command! -range Vis call setpos('.', [0,<line1>,0,0]) |
                    \ exe "normal V" |
                    \ call setpos('.', [0,<line2>,0,0])

For details:

:help command-range
:help setpos(
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