sed – How to Remove the Very Last Occurrence of a String (Comma) in a File Using sed


I have a very large csv file. How would you remove the very last , with sed (or similar) ?


Desired output


The following sed command will delete the last occurrence per line, but I want per file.

sed -e 's/,$//' foo.csv

Nor does this work

sed '$s/,//' foo.csv

Best Answer

Using awk

If the comma is always at the end of the second to last line:

$ awk 'NR>2{print a;} {a=b; b=$0} END{sub(/,$/, "", a); print a;print b;}'  input

Using awk and bash

$ awk -v "line=$(($(wc -l <input)-1))" 'NR==line{sub(/,$/, "")} 1'  input

Using sed

$ sed 'x;${s/,$//;p;x;};1d'  input

For OSX and other BSD platforms, try:

sed -e x -e '$ {s/,$//;p;x;}' -e 1d  input

Using bash

while IFS=  read -r line
    [ "$a" ] && printf "%s\n" "$a"
done <input
printf "%s\n" "${a%,}"
printf "%s\n" "$b"