Grep – Searching for a String in Multiple Zip Files


I am working on SunOS 5.10. I have a folder that contains about 200 zip files. Each zip file contains only one text file in it.
I would like to search for a specific string in all the text files in all the zip files.

I tried this (which searches for any text file in the zip file that contains the string "ORA-") but it didn't work.

zipgrep ORA-1680 *.zip

What is the correct of doing it without uncompressing the zip files?

Best Answer

It is in general not possible to search for content within a compressed file without uncompressing it one way or another. Since zipgrep is only a shellscript, wrapping unzip and egrep itself, you might just as well do it manually:

for file in *.zip; do unzip -c "$file" | grep "ORA-1680"; done

If you need just the list of matching zip files, you can use something like:

for file in *.zip; do
    if ( unzip -c "$file" | grep -q "ORA-1680"); then
        echo "$file"

This way you are only decompressing to stdout (ie. to memory) instead of decompressing the files to disk. You can of course try to just grep -a the zip files but depending on the content of the file and your pattern, you might get false positives and/or false negatives.

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