Searching for a command line tagging tool for mp3 and ogg that supports pictures

command lineimagesmp3oggvorbis

I am searching a command-line tagging tool that supports ogg- and mp3-tagging and allows to add a picture to the tags.

Currently I use lltag but that does not support pictures. dagger is the tool I use before but it is lacking picture support as well.

Best Answer

For MP3, try eyeD3, found in this SO answer.

                      Add an image to the tag.  The description and type
                      optional, but when used, both ':' delimiters must be
                      present.  The type MUST be an string that corresponds
                      to one given with --list-image-types. If the IMG_PATH
                      value is empty the APIC frame with TYPE is removed.

For Ogg, there's vorbiscomment. It doesn't support loading image files out of the box, but a cover art tag in Vorbis is just an image file encoded in base64, stored in the COVERART tag and its mimetype in COVERARTMIME - something like

coverart=$(base64 $jpegfile)
vorbiscomment -a -t 'COVERART=$coverart' -t 'COVERARTMIME=image/jpeg' $infile $outfile