Find – Search for Files and List Matches Only Once

file searchfindlocate

I want to search for arbitrary file/directory names, but only want to list file paths containing the search string at the same position once.
Especially not every file within a directory matching the search string.

Here is an example, locate -i flatpak lists:


But I want a search result like this:


And which tool is best suited for this? locate, find, fd-find?

Best Answer

Sounds like you want to search for flatpak in the file name only (and not in other path components), so you can use the -b/--basename option:


locate -ib flatpak

Another approach could be to use the -r/--regex option and write:

locate -ir 'flapak[^/]*$'

That is flatpak followed by any number of characters other than / followed by the end of the file path.

That might however miss filenames that have non-characters (in the current locale) after flatpak.

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