“Screen sharing” on the command line

command lineconnection-sharingscreencasting

If I am logged in to a remote server, and someone else is logged in to the same server, isn't there some way via the command line to let them "look over my shoulder"?

Of course I could copy and paste my terminal scrollback buffer at intervals and dump it in a file in /tmp, and they could cat that file…that is close to what I'm talking about, though it wouldn't have color.

This is very different from the typical meaning of "screen sharing" because it wouldn't involve any additional network traffic at all—just local resources. (You're both already logged in.)

I have had scores of cases in just a few months where this would have been extremely useful.

Is this possible? How can I do it?

Best Answer

Many people have suggested screen. Screen is somewhat old, and pretty bad. I suggest tmux.

To create a session just run tmux new -s <name>

Then, to have another person attach to that session, all they have to do is run tmux a -t <name>, making sure to keep the name the same.

Leaving a session can be done by hitting Ctrl-b then d.

Note, this all must be done on the same server / machine.

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