Screen command not showing status bar


I have a ~/.screenrc file that contains the following lines:

# 2.2) hardstatus = navigation bar @ bottom
hardstatus alwayslastline "%H %-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<"  

I have to admit that I don't know about the magical syntax there, but it has worked on countless Ubuntu machines to show something like this at the bottom of my terminals:

That line only shows up, of course, when I'm actually running the screen command in the terminal.

I just installed Ubuntu 12.04.5 server amd64 on VirtualBox 4.2 and I'm not seeing that status bar at the bottom of my screen. The .screenrc file is exactly the same as it is on my other machines.

What could be going on?

Best Answer

As you've stated, your status line works fine in my own .screenrc - good lookin', too.

From within a new screen session, enter ^a to initiate command mode, then enter source $HOME/.screenrc (I've seen ~ fail to work in some instances).

If that doesn't work, again from command mode, enter echo $HOME to see where GNU screen thinks your home directory lies.