Run script on receipt of email


I run a Postfix/Dovecot mail server for personal use. There's only a handful of actual mailboxes, essentially just and

I frequently use the virtual file to create virtual mailboxes forwarded to I have a number of these for throwaway accounts like one-time purchases from online stores, online games I want to try without worrying about ongoing spam, etc. To do so I SSH and run the following commands:

sudo vim /etc/postfix/virtual
# add a line that looks like:
# #
sudo postmap virtual
sudo service postfix restart

I do this with enough frequency that I'd like to automate the process to some degree. I considered simply writing a shell script that took the virtual mailbox and real mailbox as arguments and made the changes itself, but am hoping for something even more hands off.

I would like to be able to send an email from to some other mailbox on the server with the virtual mailbox name as the body of the message. The issue would be the sudo calls but I can create a new user whose sole responsibility is to handle this which should handle that.

Mostly the question is this: how would I create an event that would be triggered by an email? Is there a service somewhere that does this? Can I configure either Postfix or Dovecot to listen for that email and run commands on that event?

Best Answer

The correct procedure to execute a script (I use a shell script) upon receipt of a mail message is the following. It involves modifying postfix's configuration file, (which, in my Debian, is located in /etc/postfix) by adding the following line:

 my_shell_script unix - n n - - pipe flags=F user=MY_USERNAME argv=/path/to/my/shell/script ${sender} ${size} ${recipient}

which instructs postfix to run the script (you need to make it executable) when some event occurs.

To specify when to execute the script, you do as follows: suppose you want it to be executed when receives a message. Place the following line FILTER my_shell_script:dummy

inside the file /etc/postfix/address.txt; you will need to create a proper database for postfix to use this file, which you accomplish by means of

  postmap /etc/postfix/address.txt

which produces as output a file called /etc/postfix/address.db. Now go back to the /etc/postfix/ file and add the following line:

 smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/access, permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination

Now restart postfix,

  postfix reload

and you should be good to go.

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