Rsync: how to exclude the topmost directory


So, I have a seemingly simple issue, but so far I haven't found a solution: I want to exclude the topmost directory from an rsync, while still syncing all its children. The particular issue is that I don't have permission to modify the times of the topmost directory, but want all the children to have properly sync'd times.

The rsync command I'm using is as follows:

rsync --exclude ./ -rlptDu ./

and looks like this:

drwxrws---  5 root   staff 24576 Jul  9 15:00 .

(my local user is a member of staff)

When I run rsync, I get the following error:

rsync: failed to set times on "/usr/local/directory/.": Operation not permitted (1)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1070) [sender=3.0.9]
make: *** [pub_to_mel_internal] Error 23

This is version 3.0.9 on the local machine and 3.0.7 on the remote, both machines running Debian.

Best Answer

I think rsync's filter rules can't match the toplevel directory, so it's always synchronized. A workaround is to synchronize all the files inside this directory instead of the directory itself.

rsync -rlptDu -- *

Add .[!.]* after * if you have dot files in the topmost directory, and ..?* if you have file names beginning with two dots.

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