Linux – How to Use `rm -rf` to Delete All Files Including Hidden Ones


rm -rf /some/path/* deletes all non-hidden files in that dir (and subdirs).

rm -rf /some/path/.* deletes all hidden files in that dir (but not subdirs) and also gives the following error/warning:

rm: cannot remove directory: `/some/dir/.'
rm: cannot remove directory: `/some/dir/..'

What is the proper way to remove all hidden and non-hidden files and folders recursively in a target directory without receiving the warning/error about . and ..?

Best Answer

You could always send error messages to /dev/null

rm -rf /some/path/.* 2> /dev/null

You could also just

rm -rf /some/path/
mkdir /some/path/

...then you won't have to bother with hidden files in the first place.

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