Right way to get the list of installed packages matching a pattern


I'm on system running a (fairly recent-)Debian-based distribution.

I'd like to generate a plain list of all installed packages matching a certain pattern. I can do that by, running, say,

apt list --installed "linux-image-*" | cut -d/ -f1

but I get lines I don't care for, e.g.:

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.


So maybe I'd better not use apt. I can run dpkg-query like so:

dpkg-query --showformat='${Package}\n' --show "linux-image*"

but that's not limited to installed packages. I could use

dpkg-query --list "linux-image-*" | grep "ii"

but then I'd need to do a bunch of text processing, and who can trust those spaces, right?

So, bottom line: What's the right way to get the list of installed packages matching a pattern?


  • Bonus points if it can be a proper regexp rather than just a shell glob.
  • Having to parse the text seems like a less-than-ideal solution; if that's what you suggest, please argue why there isn't a better way.

Best Answer

aptitude supports searching among all packages known to the package management tools, installed or otherwise, using regular expressions, without extraneous output, and can be told how to format its output:

aptitude search "linux-image-.*"

To list only installed packages:

aptitude search "linux-image-.* ~i"

To list only installed package names matching the regular expression:

aptitude search "linux-image-.* ~i" -F "%p"

The documentation covers the available search patterns and output format specifiers in detail. You’ll also find examples on this site, for example is there a way to use regexp with aptitude?, regexp with aptitude part 2, and Linux - display or upgrade security updates only using apt.