Restrict graphic tablet to primary display


Ive got an Huion DWH69 graphic tablet.

I have Manjaro Linux installed.

I have two displays connected.

Now it seems like to work out of the box.

The problem is, that I want to bount the surface to the limits of the primary monitor.

At the moment the horizontal movements are very fast since it is a small tablet but a huge area of display.

How can I configure that? I guess I have to touch the X-Server in some way but dont know how.

Best Answer

also check out bebop's answer here:
its a longer version with some extras. For the QUICK AND DIRTY VERSION:

Found this, it fixed my issue which sounded similar to yours.

This is the code for HUION New 1060 for example: HID 256c:006e Pad
First type:

xinput  # get the IDs for all relevant pieces of my tablet.   

blah blah: HID 256c:006e Pad id=17 there might/should be two devices, Pad and Pen. Then do:

xrandr  # get the names of my displays  

look for the ones showing 'connected' like HDMI-A-0 connected and maybe DisplayPort-2 connected

Then you tell xinput to stick the id's to the screen you want Krita or Photoshop on, such as if you were using a HDMI port to main screen:

xinput map-to-output 13 HDMI-A-0
xinput map-to-output 14 HDMI-A-0  

that was mine. it resets after a reboot. thanks to that user timotimo!

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