Restoring lost network routes after loss of network


I have a server in a locked-down environment with no egress to the internet, and 2 interfaces: a physical eth0, and a vlan iface eth0.101

/etc/network/interfaces contains a post-up command to enable a route to a specific net block via the vlan iface, like so:

post-up ip route add via dev eth0.101

During switch failover testing, we noticed that the route was lost (RTNETLINK answers: Network is unreachable.) which makes sense. However, once the network came back online, the route was not added to the interface again.

I understand why – the interface didn't go down, it just lost access to that net.

How can I configure an interface to restore routes to networks that where lost, but, to quote the old song, have now been found?

We use Debian 9 and have a service definition iface@eth0.service for each interface, which uses ifup commands to bring the device up / down. But again, the device, and the link to the switch, never faltered. I mention this in case extra systemd options can be leveraged.

Best Answer

A routing table will make your route permanent (to avoid adding it again/manually after a switch failover); First, create a named routing table. As an example, we could use "mgmt".

echo '200 mgmt' >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

Just for an extended detail about the solution, above, the kernel supports many routing tables and refers to these by unique integers numbered 0-255. A name, mgmt, is also defined for the table. Below, a look at a default /etc/iproute2/rt_tables follows, showing that some numbers are reserved. The choice in this answer of 200 is arbitrary; one might use any number that is not already in use, 1-252.

# reserved values
255     local
0       unspec

Second, edit your post-up rule (under /etc/network/interfaces) like this

  post-up ip route add dev eth0.101 table mgmt
  post-up ip route add default via dev eth0.101 table mgmt
  post-up ip rule add from table mgmt
  post-up ip rule add to table mgmt

Alternatively an other solution could be a background bash script checking for the route existence and adding it back if it's missing, the script could check the result of ip route add via dev eth0.101 the script could be setup in a loop or a cron

ip route add via dev eth0.101
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Route added again"
    sleep 10;
    echo "Route exists"
    sleep 10;

Source: what is the best way to add a permanent route?

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