Replace field in one file based on match with a different field in another file

text processing

appreciate any help with this task:

File A has 4 fields and has 90K lines. The first field (column 1) has a value that needs to be changed if criteria below met. The fourth field (column 4) has the data referenced in File B. The data in File A are tab separated DNS records:

Owner IN Type RData


hostname1 IN A 
hostname2 IN A 
hostname3 IN A


File B is single column (one field) and 1400 lines. The data in File B are IP addresses.

For every line in File B, replace the contents of the the first field in File A if the fourth field in File A matches.

In English:
For every IP that's listed in File B, replace the Owner value in File A with a specific value.

Best Answer

(modifying from my answer here...)

You can compare NR with FNR to distinguish between processing the first or the subsequent files. This is because FNR is reset per file, while NR is the running tally. Therefore, only during the processing of the first file will the condition NR==FNR be satisfied.

To process FileB first...

awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=1}'

Setting the value to a 'dummy' one like 1 is good enough.

Then, to process FileA...

awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN{OFS=FS}NR!=FNR{if(a[$4]){$1="Reserved"};print}'

Here, the output field separator OFS is set as FS to preserve the formatting when awk reconstructs the full line ($0).

Putting both together:

awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN{OFS=FS}NR==FNR{a[$1]=1}NR!=FNR{if(a[$4]){$1="Reserved"};print}' FileB FileA

If you want it to be slightly more terse...

awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN{OFS=FS}NR==FNR{a[$1]=1;next}a[$4]{$1="Reserved"}1' FileB FileA

next is used in the processing of the first file to skip the final printing indicated by (the final) 1, which is a shortcut of doing {print $0}. With this, we can shift the condition a[$4] (i.e. true if it exist in r) 'out' to be the condition for determining whether we need to change $1 to "Reserved" or not.

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