Rename – Replace Dots with Underscores in Filenames


I have a bash script which I'm trying to get to replace dots in filenames and replace them with underscores, leaving the extension intact (I'm on Centos 6 btw). As you can see from the output below, the script works when there is a dot to replace, but in cases where the only dot is the extension, the script still tries to rename the file, instead of ignoring it. Can anyone point out how I should handle this better? Thanks for any help.

My (faulty) script:


for THISFILE in *
  echo "mv $THISFILE ${newname}.${extension}"
  #mv $THISFILE ${newname}.${extension}

Sample input:



mv 1_3MN-Pin-Eurotunnel-Stw505_51_024-EGS1-130x130.jpg 1_3MN-Pin-Eurotunnel-Stw505_51_024-EGS1-130x130.jpg
mv Wear-Plates_jpg.Wear-Plates_jpg Wear-Plates_jpg.Wear-Plates_jpg

Best Answer

I believe that this program will do what you want. I have tested it and it works on several interesting cases (such as no extension at all):


for fname in *; do
  if [ "$fname" != "$newfname" ]; then
    echo mv "$fname" "$newfname"
    #mv "$fname" "$newfname"

The main issue you had was that the ## expansion wasn't doing what you wanted. I've always considered shell parameter expansion in bash to be something of a black art. The explanations in the manual are not completely clear, and they lack any supporting examples of how the expansion is supposed to work. They're also rather cryptic.

Personally, I would've written a small script in sed that fiddled the name the way I wanted, or written a small script in perl that just did the whole thing. One of the other people who answered took that approach.

One other thing I would like to point out is my use of quoting. Every time I do anything with shell scripts I remind people to be very careful with their quoting. A huge source of problems in shell scripts is the shell interpreting things it's not supposed to. And the quoting rules are far from obvious. I believe this shell script is free of quoting issues.

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