Remove symbolic link


I have the following situation:

[ORACLE]/u01/app/grid/> ll
total 20
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 36 May 11  2016 admin -> /u01/app/grid/
[ORACLE]/u01/app/grid/> cd  /u01/app/grid/
-bash: cd: /u01/app/grid/ Too many levels of symbolic links

I am not sure who or why the symbolic link was created, but I would like to remove it without removing the contents of the admin folder. Is it just rm admin or is there a different command?

Best Answer

It is just rm admin, assuming there is no alias for rm defined. You could do /bin/rm -i admin, if you are nervous - the -i option will explicitly ask rm: remove symbolic link 'admin'?.

Just make sure you don't use Tab which might get you a / after admin, (although you would still need -rf to make that cause problems)

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