Remove Duplicate Files on OSX Using Find and Regular Expressions

findosxregular expression

On my Mac OS X 10.6.7, iTunes duplicated every single file in my music library. Now I have 3,840 files instead of 1,920. The problem is that iTunes didn't simply duplicate the whole folder, but each file in each folder, adding a 1 to the duplicate. It looks like this:

├── album1
│   ├── track1.mp3
│   ├── track1 1.mp3
│   ├── track2.mp3
│   └── track2 1.mp3
└── album2
    ├── track1.m4a
    └── track1 1.m4a

Now rather than clicking on 1,920 duplicates, I want to enter some smart line in the Terminal to get rid of the extra files:

find path/to/music/ -name "* 1.*" -delete

Though this will work in most cases, it will mess up things in the following situation:

└── album2
    ├── track 1.mp3
    └── track 1 1.mp3

Maybe I should exclude "* 1 1.*" and later on rename those files removing the extra 1?

How do I do this?

Is there a simple solution to this?

Best Answer

Something like this, haven't tested; it's in bash so you may have to convert some syntax:

IFS=$'\n'              # so that only newlines separate words, not spaces
set -f                 # disable globbing
FILES=$(find path/to/music/ -name "* 1.*")

for FILE in ${FILES}; do
    if [[ -f "${FILE% 1.*}" ]] ; do
        echo "Matched ${FILE}."
        # rm "${FILE}" # Uncomment me once you have confirmed it would do what you intend.

${FILE% 1.*} strips the last match of the 1.* syntax from the end, [[ -f ... ]] checks whether that file would exist; therefore, it would remove the files for which the file without the syntax at the end would exist. Please test before uncommenting rm, to be sure it is correct.

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