RedHat server updates its time every minute


RedHat release 7.3 This is a development machine, so I do not know its installation history. It was noticed that it did not keep its time synced very well, although ntpd is running.

My investigations revealed that ntp is working fine but there is another service running that is also updating the time – unfortunately that service is 12 minutes fast!

For example, I disable ntpd and run ntpdate. The computers time is reset.

#timedatectl status

      Local time: Tue 2016-11-22 13:27:56 GMT
  Universal time: Tue 2016-11-22 13:27:56 UTC
        RTC time: Tue 2016-11-22 13:27:17
       Time zone: Europe/London (GMT, +0000)
     NTP enabled: no
NTP synchronized: no
 RTC in local TZ: no
      DST active: no

but within a couple of minutes the time goes back to being 12 minutes fast (compare with RTC)

#timedatectl status

      Local time: Tue 2016-11-22 13:41:09 GMT
  Universal time: Tue 2016-11-22 13:41:09 UTC
        RTC time: Tue 2016-11-22 13:28:49
       Time zone: Europe/London (GMT, +0000)
     NTP enabled: no
NTP synchronized: no
 RTC in local TZ: no
      DST active: no

I found some relevant messages in /var/log/messages

*Nov 22 14:26:00 development systemd: Time has been changed
 Nov 22 14:38:27 development systemd: Time has been changed
*Nov 22 14:27:00 development systemd: Time has been changed
 Nov 22 14:39:27 development systemd: Time has been changed
*Nov 22 14:27:00 development systemd: Time has been changed
 Nov 22 14:40:27 development systemd: Time has been changed
*Nov 22 14:39:00 development systemd: Time has been changed
 Nov 22 14:42:27 development systemd: Time has been changed

The ones marked "*" are where I have done a date 11221426.

You can see something somewhere resets the time back to being 12 minutes fast. Note the time is always "27 seconds" so it seems to run once a minute, although this slowly drifts (currently running at 28 seconds!).

I spent a long time disabling services but I have not been able to find the one that is forcing my machine to be 12 minutes in the future. ntpd is disabled, but I know that one syncs to the correct time.

Please can anyone suggest any other time updating services that I could check to see if they are running.

Additional information

As suggested in the answers, I looked at chronyd. It was not running on my machine, and even if I have it running it sets the machine to the right time, not 12 minutes fast.

chronyd.service - NTP client/server
Loaded: loaded 
   (/usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)

Best Answer

Red Hat version-7 introduced the chronyddaemon for system clock management. It can be used in lieu of the ntpd daemon. chronyd is favored for systems that may intermittently disconnect from a network. chronyd can adjust the system time much faster than ntpd.

To see if this daemon is running, do:

# systemctl status chronyd

To determine how the daemon is operating:

# chronyc tracking
# chronyc sources

Configuration is controlled via /etc/chrony.conf.

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