Python – Realtime print statements with tee in interactive script


I have a program which has thousands of print statements. I want to pipe the program through tee (or an alternative) so that I can save the output.

If I do | tee logfile.txt

Python puts its print statements in a 4K buffer, causing me to get:

nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, a whole lot of text!, nothing,
nothing, a sudo prompt in the middle of a word, nothing, nothing, a
whole lot of text!

In an attempt to avoid the buffer I tried:

unbuffer | tee logfile.txt

But this causes my script to stop being interactive. So when the script breaks into a sudo prompt, it halts.

Note: I cannot simple sudo BEFORE running the script. The interactive script only requires sudo on some runs, and I don't want to ask for sudo when it isn't necessary.


stdbuf -oL | tee -a logfile.txt

works to some extent. I get all the desired data, but I also get this error:

ERROR: object '/usr/lib64/coreutils/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.

Best Answer

Specify a zero-sized buffer for Python's standard output stream. You can do this by invoking Python with the -u flag, or with the following statement.

sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)
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