Read only access to all files in a specific sub-folder


I have got a specific folder located in "/home/…/reboot/". I have a series of users that require read-only access to the ever changing files within. My problem is that the same users are not authorized to view any of the parent directory files.

Right now, the only thing I have in place is that their starting folder is at "/home/…/reboot/" by changing the etc/passwd file; and I need to block all access to other folders. How could I only give them access to this directory?

Best Answer

Create a read-only view of that directory in a different location. You can do that with bindfs.

Let's say that the directory in question is /home/confidential/reboot and that you want to give read-only access to the users in the group mygroup. Create a directory /views/mygroup/reboot which is accessible to that group.

mkdir -p /views/mygroup/reboot
chown root:mygroup /views/mygroup
chmod 750 /views/mygroup

Create the read-only view with bindfs. The bindfs process must have the permission to read the files and to access the mount point; here you would presumably run it as root.

bindfs -p a-w /home/confidential/reboot /views/mygroup/reboot

If the files under /home/confidential/reboot are not readable by the users in mygroup and you want to make them so, change the permissions specification to -p a=rX.

To create the read-only view at boot time, add it to /etc/fstab:

bindfs#/home/confidential/reboot /views/mygroup/reboot fuse perms=a=rX
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