Grep – How to Read a Log File Between Two Dates


I have to read log file between and my question is how to get only the text in the file wich is between two dates using unix commands?
Every line contain date and I want to get the text in the file which dates are equal or bigger that the FROM date and lower or equal than the TO date.
The format of the date is 13/05/23 01:58.
The second date is for an example 13/05/13 07:50.

13:41:55,110  INFO HellowordlsThis text is generated by me

Best Answer

Since the dates are in a format where the chronological order is the same as the lexical order, you can do:

awk '$0 >= "13/05/13 07:50" && $0 <= "13/05/23 01:58"'

(assuming the timestamps are at the beginning of each line)

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