Ranger image-preview with transparent terminal background


I like the image-preview in ranger, but I also like my terminal transparent.

Is there really no way to get the image-preview work with w3m and transparent background?
(I'm willing to change my terminal-emulator if that's necessary, currently urxvt)

Best Answer

I have a transparent terminal that works with ranger's image preview. I use termite (terminal emulator) and compton (compositor) for transparency (a nice combo when you use i3wm).

Here's the result:

enter image description here

The only problems I had were with tmux (images are displayed, but not always at the right position and sometimes the terminal needs to be refreshed).

Note that the text and the image are also transparent since transparency is handled by compton. This only works if you don't add too much transparency, else you need a terminal emulator that handles transparency and works with this feature (I tried with terminator and I did not work for instance, same for urxvt). 85% opacity gives me some transparency and good readability, so this setup works for me.


True transparency is supported once again in termite, but it suffers from the same issues as urxvt when you enable transparency (failed to execute w3mimgdisplay error, cf. @slm's answer).

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