Query Firefox password database


Braiam said that Firefox stores the password data for login websites in ~/.mozilla/firefox/key3.db and ~/.mozilla/firefox/signons.sqlite files. These files can be read with some sqlite editor.

I try to query for my username and password of a website (e.g. https://sourceforge.net/account/login.php) from the Firefox's database. I can't do it through Firefox, because my Firefox GUI is not working, and I am fairly new to and also interested in learning using databases to do the job.

  1. what are the different roles of key3.db and signons.sqlite?
  2. I searched on the internet, and is it correct that I should use
    sqlite3 to open a database?

    $ sqlite3 key3.db 
    SQLite version 3.7.9 2011-11-01 00:52:41
    Enter ".help" for instructions
    Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
    sqlite> .tables
    Error: file is encrypted or is not a database

    I guess the reason of failure is that, in Firefox, I set up a master
    keyword to access the passwords it stores. How should I proceed to query the password of a given website?

    My OS is Ubuntu, here is the
    file type of key3.db :

    $ file key3.db 
    key3.db: Berkeley DB 1.85 (Hash, version 2, native byte-order)
  3. What shall I read and learn in order to query the password from a given
    website name?

    Will reading http://www.sqlite.org/cli.html help?

To garethTheRed:

I tried your command. Not return anything however. The output is abysmal:

$ sqlite3 signons.sqlite
SQLite version 3.7.9 2011-11-01 00:52:41
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .tables
moz_deleted_logins  moz_disabledHosts   moz_logins        
sqlite> select * from moz_logins;

Does Firefox encrypt passwords regardless of if there is a master key? If yes, can we decrypte them in command line (my firefox CLI may still work)?

Alternatively, is it possible that Chrome browser can read and import the passwords stored by Firefox?

Best Answer

Some guy seem to have glued all the necessary code together here:

#!/usr/bin/env python
"Recovers your Firefox or Thunderbird passwords"

import base64
from collections import namedtuple
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser, NoOptionError
from ctypes import (Structure, CDLL, byref, cast, string_at, c_void_p, 
    c_uint, c_ubyte, c_char_p)
from getpass import getpass
import logging
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
    from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite
except ImportError:
    from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
from subprocess import Popen, CalledProcessError, PIPE
import sys


log = logging.getLogger()
PWDECRYPT = 'pwdecrypt'

SITEFIELDS = ['id', 'hostname', 'httpRealm', 'formSubmitURL', 'usernameField', 'passwordField', 'encryptedUsername', 'encryptedPassword', 'guid', 'encType', 'plain_username', 'plain_password' ]
Site = namedtuple('FirefoxSite', SITEFIELDS)
'''The format of the SQLite database is:
(id                 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,hostname           TEXT NOT NULL,httpRealm          TEXT,formSubmitURL      TEXT,usernameField      TEXT NOT NULL,passwordField      TEXT NOT NULL,encryptedUsername  TEXT NOT NULL,encryptedPassword  TEXT NOT NULL,guid               TEXT,encType            INTEGER);

#### These are libnss definitions ####
class SECItem(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('type',c_uint),('data',c_void_p),('len',c_uint)]

class secuPWData(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('source',c_ubyte),('data',c_char_p)]

# SECStatus
(SECWouldBlock, SECFailure, SECSuccess) = (-2, -1, 0)
#### End of libnss definitions ####

def get_default_firefox_profile_directory(dir='~/.mozilla/firefox'):
    '''Returns the directory name of the default profile

    If you changed the default dir to something like ~/.thunderbird,
    you would get the Thunderbird default profile directory.'''

    profiles_dir = os.path.expanduser(dir)
    profile_path = None

    cp = RawConfigParser()
    cp.read(os.path.join(profiles_dir, "profiles.ini"))
    for section in cp.sections():
        if not cp.has_option(section, "Path"):

        if (not profile_path or
            (cp.has_option(section, "Default") and cp.get(section, "Default").strip() == "1")):
            profile_path = os.path.join(profiles_dir, cp.get(section, "Path").strip())

    if not profile_path:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot find default Firefox profile")

    return profile_path

def get_encrypted_sites(firefox_profile_dir=None):
    'Opens signons.sqlite and yields encryped password data'

    if firefox_profile_dir is None:
        firefox_profile_dir = get_default_firefox_profile_directory()
    password_sqlite = os.path.join(firefox_profile_dir, "signons.sqlite")
    query = '''SELECT id, hostname, httpRealm, formSubmitURL,
                      usernameField, passwordField, encryptedUsername,
                      encryptedPassword, guid, encType, 'noplainuser', 'noplainpasswd' FROM moz_logins;'''

    # We don't want to type out all the column from the DB as we have 
    ## stored them in the SITEFIELDS already. However, we have two 
    ## components extra, the plain usename and password. So we remove 
    ## that from the list, because the table doesn't have that column. 
    ## And we add two literal SQL strings to make our "Site" data 
    ## structure happy
    #queryfields = SITEFIELDS[:-2] + ["'noplainuser'", "'noplainpassword'"]
    #query = '''SELECT %s 
    #           FROM moz_logins;''' % ', '.join(queryfields)

    connection = sqlite.connect(password_sqlite)
        cursor = connection.cursor()

        for site in map(Site._make, cursor.fetchall()):
          yield site

def decrypt(encrypted_string, firefox_profile_directory, password = None):
    '''Opens an external tool to decrypt strings

    This is mostly for historical reasons or if the API changes. It is 
    very slow because it needs to call out a lot. It uses the 
    "pwdecrypt" tool which you might have packaged. Otherwise, you 
    need to build it yourself.'''

    log = logging.getLogger('firefoxpasswd.decrypt')
    execute = [PWDECRYPT, '-d', firefox_profile_directory]
    if password:
        execute.extend(['-p', password])
    process = Popen(execute,
                    stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    output, error = process.communicate(encrypted_string)

    log.debug('Sent: %s', encrypted_string)
    log.debug('Got: %s', output)

    NEEDLE = 'Decrypted: "' # This string is prepended to the decrypted password if found
    output = output.strip()
    if output == encrypted_string:
        log.error('Password was not correct. Please try again without a '
                   'password or with the correct one')

    index = output.index(NEEDLE) + len(NEEDLE)
    password = output[index:-1] # And we strip the final quotation mark

    return password

class NativeDecryptor(object):
    'Calls the NSS API to decrypt strings'

    def __init__(self, directory, password = ''):
        '''You need to give the profile directory and optionally a 
        password. If you don't give a password but one is needed, you 
        will be prompted by getpass to provide one.'''
        self.directory = directory
        self.log = logging.getLogger('NativeDecryptor')
        self.log.debug('Trying to work on %s', directory)

        self.libnss = CDLL('libnss3.so')
        if self.libnss.NSS_Init(directory) != 0:
            self.log.error('Could not initialize NSS')

        # Initialize to the empty string, not None, because the password
        # function expects rather an empty string
        self.password = password = password or ''

        slot = self.libnss.PK11_GetInternalKeySlot()

        pw_good = self.libnss.PK11_CheckUserPassword(slot, c_char_p(password))
        while pw_good != SECSuccess:
            msg = 'Password is not good (%d)!' % pw_good
            print >>sys.stderr, msg
            password = getpass('Please enter password: ')
            pw_good = self.libnss.PK11_CheckUserPassword(slot, c_char_p(password))
            #raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # That's it, we're done with passwords, but we leave the old 
        # code below in, for nostalgic reasons.

        if password is None:
            pwdata = secuPWData()
            pwdata.source = PW_NONE
            pwdata.data = 0
            # It's not clear whether this actually works
            pwdata = secuPWData()
            pwdata.source = PW_PLAINTEXT
            pwdata.data = c_char_p (password) 
            # It doesn't actually work :-(

            # Now follow some attempts that were not succesful!
            def setpwfunc():
                # One attempt was to use PK11PassworFunc. Didn't work.
                def password_cb(slot, retry, arg):
                    #s = self.libnss.PL_strdup(password)
                    s = self.libnss.PL_strdup("foo")
                    return s

                PK11PasswordFunc = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, PRBool, c_void_p)
                c_password_cb = PK11PasswordFunc(password_cb)

            # To be ignored
            def changepw():                
                # Another attempt was to use ChangePW. Again, no effect.
                #ret = self.libnss.PK11_ChangePW(slot, pwdata.data, 0);
                ret = self.libnss.PK11_ChangePW(slot, password, 0)
                if ret == SECFailure:
                    raise RuntimeError('Setting password failed! %s' % ret)

        #self.pwdata = pwdata

    def __del__(self):

    def decrypt(self, string, *args):
        'Decrypts a given string'

        libnss =  self.libnss

        uname = SECItem()
        dectext = SECItem()        
        #pwdata = self.pwdata

        cstring = SECItem()
        cstring.data  = cast( c_char_p( base64.b64decode(string)), c_void_p)
        cstring.len = len(base64.b64decode(string))
        #if libnss.PK11SDR_Decrypt (byref (cstring), byref (dectext), byref (pwdata)) == -1:
        self.log.debug('Trying to decrypt %s (error: %s)', string, libnss.PORT_GetError())
        if libnss.PK11SDR_Decrypt (byref (cstring), byref (dectext)) == -1:
            error = libnss.PORT_GetError()
            libnss.PR_ErrorToString.restype = c_char_p
            error_str = libnss.PR_ErrorToString(error)
            raise Exception ("%d: %s" % (error, error_str))

        decrypted_data = string_at(dectext.data, dectext.len)

        return decrypted_data

    def encrypted_sites(self):
        'Yields the encryped passwords from the profile'
        sites = get_encrypted_sites(self.directory)

        return sites

    def decrypted_sites(self):
        'Decrypts the encrypted_sites and yields the results'

        sites = self.encrypted_sites()

        for site in sites:
            plain_user = self.decrypt(site.encryptedUsername)
            plain_password = self.decrypt(site.encryptedPassword)
            site = site._replace(plain_username=plain_user,

            yield site

def get_firefox_sites_with_decrypted_passwords(firefox_profile_directory = None, password = None):
    'Old school decryption of passwords using the external tool'
    if not firefox_profile_directory:
        firefox_profile_directory = get_default_firefox_profile_directory()
    #decrypt = NativeDecryptor(firefox_profile_directory).decrypt
    for site in get_encrypted_sites(firefox_profile_directory):
        plain_user = decrypt(site.encryptedUsername, firefox_profile_directory, password)
        plain_password = decrypt(site.encryptedPassword, firefox_profile_directory, password)
        site = site._replace(plain_username=plain_user, plain_password=plain_password)
        log.debug("Dealing with Site: %r", site)
        log.info("user: %s, passwd: %s", plain_user, plain_password)
        yield site

def main_decryptor(firefox_profile_directory, password, thunderbird=False):
    'Main function to get Firefox and Thunderbird passwords'
    if not firefox_profile_directory:
        if thunderbird:
            dir = '~/.thunderbird/'
            dir = '~/.mozilla/firefox'
        firefox_profile_directory = get_default_firefox_profile_directory(dir)

    decryptor = NativeDecryptor(firefox_profile_directory, password)

    for site in decryptor.decrypted_sites():
        print site

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-d", "--directory", default=None,
                  help="the Firefox profile directory to use")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--password", default=None,
                  help="the master password for the Firefox profile")
    parser.add_option("-l", "--loglevel", default=LOGLEVEL_DEFAULT,
                  help="the level of logging detail [debug, info, warn, critical, error]")
    parser.add_option("-t", "--thunderbird", default=False, action='store_true',
                  help="by default we try to find the Firefox default profile."
                  " But you can as well ask for Thunderbird's default profile."
                  " For a more reliable way, give the directory with -d.")
    parser.add_option("-n", "--native", default=True, action='store_true',
                  help="use the native decryptor, i.e. make Python use "
                  "libnss directly instead of invoking the helper program"
                  "DEFUNCT! this option will not be checked.")
    parser.add_option("-e", "--external", default=False, action='store_true',
                  help="use an external program `pwdecrypt' to actually "
                    "decrypt the passwords. This calls out a lot and is dead "
                    "slow. "
                    "You need to use this method if you have a password "
                    "protected database though.")
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    loglevel = {'debug': logging.DEBUG, 'info': logging.INFO,
                'warn': logging.WARN, 'critical':logging.CRITICAL,
                'error': logging.ERROR}.get(options.loglevel, LOGLEVEL_DEFAULT)
    log = logging.getLogger()

    password = options.password

    if not options.external:
        sys.exit (main_decryptor(options.directory, password, thunderbird=options.thunderbird))
        for site in get_firefox_sites_with_decrypted_passwords(options.directory, password):
            print site

See the related discussion in the mozilla fora.

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