Python – Selecting lines in a file that do not contain the value in the other file

awkcsvgreppythontext processing

I have two files. One is a CSV of data with 60490 lines. Each line is a set of values such as a customer name, service dates, etc.

One of these values in the first file is a VIN value.

I have a second large file that contains a list of 92809 VINs.

I need to find a way to delete all lines in the first file that have a VIN listed in the second file.

I've tried the grep below. This does do what I expect it to do but it's also extremely slow and is killed by the OS after outputting about 50 lines.

$ grep -v -f vinlist data.csv > output.csv

What is the fastest way to achieve this? Everything I've found while researching seems to require fully sorted data with lines in both files being identical or takes an extremely long time/gets killed by OS


123,,JOE,BLOGGS,123456789,12345-123,"Place Name",12345,1C4NJPBB4DD122174,2014-01-20  
123,,JOE,BLOGGS,123456789,12345-123,"Place Name",12345,1GMDV33179D147281,2014-01-20  
123,,JOE,BLOGGS,123456789,12345-123,"Place Name",12345,1FUYDCYB7WP879651,2014-01-20  
123,,JOE,BLOGGS,123456789,12345-123,"Place Name",12345,1FM5K8D8XFGA82149,2014-01-20  
123,,JOE,BLOGGS,123456789,12345-123,"Place Name",12345,5TDBT48A72S003496,2014-01-20  



Best Answer

Since we know where the vin is in the line, we do not need to do a generic search. Instead we can read the vins into a data structure that is indexed to allow fast look ups.

Using Python you can do:


# read the vins into a set to allow fast lookup
with open('file3', 'rU') as f:
    vins = {vin.strip() for vin in f.readlines()}

# go through the data file one line at a time
with open('file2', 'rU') as f:
    for line in f.readlines():

        # get the vin in the line
        vin = line.split(',')[8]

        # if the vin is not in our set, print out the line
        if vin not in vins:


123,,JOE,BLOGGS,123456789,12345-123,"Place Name",12345,1C4NJPBB4DD122174,2014-01-20
123,,JOE,BLOGGS,123456789,12345-123,"Place Name",12345,1GMDV33179D147281,2014-01-20
123,,JOE,BLOGGS,123456789,12345-123,"Place Name",12345,1FUYDCYB7WP879651,2014-01-20
123,,JOE,BLOGGS,123456789,12345-123,"Place Name",12345,5TDBT48A72S003496,2014-01-20
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