Python – How to correct the path for pip


I'm trying to get pip to point to a different install rather than the default. It is currently pointing to /usr/bin/pip, but I want it to point to /usr/local/bin/pip. I believe I have the path set correctly and everything else points to the correct location.

What's the best way to resolve this?

# echo $PATH

# which python

# which easy_install

# which pip

Best Answer

Using 'alias' is another possible option. Just put it into the relevant shell configuration file (for execution each time your shell is executed).

$ alias pip='/usr/bin/pip'
$ alias pip
alias pip='/usr/bin/pip'
$ alias pip='/usr/local/bin/pip'
$ alias pip
alias pip='/usr/local/bin/pip'
$ pip
bash: /usr/local/bin/pip: No such file or directory
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