Text Processing Python Perl CSV – Converting CSV to TSV

csvperlpythontext processing

I have a number of large CSV files and would like them in TSV (tab separated format). The complication is that there are commas in the fields of the CSV file, eg:


Expected output:

 A      C   D,E,F   G   I   K,L,M   Z

(where whitespace in between are 'hard' tabs)

I have Perl, Python, and coreutils installed on this server.

Best Answer


Add to file named csv2tab, and make it executable

touch csv2tab && chmod u+x csv2tab

Add to it

#!/usr/bin/env python
import csv, sys
csv.writer(sys.stdout, dialect='excel-tab').writerows(csv.reader(sys.stdin))

Test runs

$ echo 'A,,C,"D,E,F","G",I,"K,L,M",Z' | ./csv2tab                     
A       C   D,E,F   G   I   K,L,M   Z

$ ./csv2tab < data.csv > data.tsv && head data.tsv                                                   
1A      C   D,E,F   G   I   K,L,M   Z
2A      C   D,E,F   G   I   K,L,M   Z
3A      C   D,E,F   G   I   K,L,M   Z
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