Problem using Ctrl+Arrow keys in Vim when using Byobu with tmux


In Vim, I had set the Ctrl+Arrow keys to skip words. This works just fine when running Vim inside the gnome-terminal.

However, when using byobu (tmux), it shows weird behavior : it deletes everything after the cursor.

For reference, these are my vim settings:

:inoremap <C-Left> <C-\><C-O>b
:inoremap <C-Right> <C-\><C-O>w

Best Answer

The problem is twofold. First, tmux by default converts the control-arrow keys from one type of escape sequence to another. So special keys such as controlleft are sent to vim without the modifier, e.g., left. If you use cat -v to see the different escape sequences, you might see something like this


versus this (outside tmux):


The line

set-window-option -g xterm-keys on

fixes that aspect. The other part is that tmux by default uses the terminal description for screen. That terminal description does not describe the control-arrow keys. These entries from the terminal database would be the most appropriate for VTE (gnome-terminal):

There are others, such as

which would be automatically selected when running in screen if the corresponding TERM outside were vte, vte-256color, etc. tmux does not do this automatic-selection; you have to modify its configuration file.

By the way, there is no "screen.xterm" entry because it would interfere with some usages of screen. There is no conflict with TERM=xterm-new.

If you have a default (minimal) terminal database such as ncurses-base in Debian, you might not have those. More common would be xterm-256color, which is close enough to use with vim and tmux.

For example, if I add this to my .tmux.conf file, it behaves as you expect in vim:

set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"

Further reading:

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