Print Nth Line – How to Print Nth Line Before Each Matching Pattern

awksearchtext processing

I'm trying to print only the <N>th line before a search pattern. grep -B<N> prints all the <N> lines before the search pattern. I saw the awk code here that can print only the <N>th line after the search pattern.

awk 'c&&!--c;/pattern/{c=N}' file

How to modify this to print only the <N>th line before each line that matches pattern ? For example, here is my input file

   0.50007496  0.42473932  0.01527831
   0.99997456  0.97033575  0.44364198
Direct configuration=     1
   0.16929051  0.16544726  0.16608723
   0.16984300  0.16855274  0.50171112
   0.50089841  0.42608090  0.01499159
   0.99982054  0.97154975  0.44403547
Direct configuration=     2
   0.16931296  0.16553376  0.16600890
   0.16999941  0.16847055  0.50170694  

I need a command that can give me back the 2nd line before the search string Direct configuration.
I'm trying to run this in SUSE-Linux

Best Answer

A buffer of lines needs to be used.

Give a try to this:

awk -v N=4 -v pattern="example.*pattern" '{i=(1+(i%N));if (buffer[i]&& $0 ~ pattern) print buffer[i]; buffer[i]=$0;}' file

Set N value to the Nth line before the pattern to print.

Set patternvalue to the regex to search.

buffer is an array of N elements. It is used to store the lines. Each time the pattern is found, the Nth line before the pattern is printed.

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