Print columns in awk by header name

awktext processing

I have a text file like so

foo bar baz
1   a   alpha
2   b   beta
3   c   gamma

I can use awk to print certain columns, like 1 and 3, with {print $1, $3}, but I want to specify the columns to print by specifying the header of the column instead, something like {print $foo, $baz}. This is useful so I don't have to open the file and count the columns manually to see which column is which, and I don't have to update the script if the column number or order changes. Can I do this with awk (or another shell tool)?

Best Answer

awk '
NR==1 {
    for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
        f[$i] = i
{ print $(f["foo"]), $(f["baz"]) }
' file
foo baz
1 alpha
2 beta
3 gamma

That is an immensely useful idiom. I have a lot of data in spreadsheets and different spreadsheets might have a common subset of columns I'm interested in but not necessarily in the same order across all spreadsheets or with the same numbers of other columns before/between them so being able to export them as CSV or similar and then simply run an awk script using the column names instead of column numbers is absolutely invaluable.

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