Prevent GNU-Screen from blocking standard out


We have screen running applications in production. (I have a feeling some may recommend against it, but it does work well for us, however …) If I scroll up in copy mode and then detach, forgetting to exit copy mode, the application blocks (I think after some time has elapsed).

What I believe is happening is the screen buffer gets filled up and cannot empty due to the active copy mode. This causes the running program to hang until reentering screen and exiting copy mode. I have made this mistake a number of times. Is there a way to prevent it? (e.g. automatically exiting copy mode when detaching, or being unable to detach whilst in copy mode). If not what about tmux or another drop in alternative?

Best Answer

Put a line with

defnonblock on

in ~/.screenrc

Also recommend

defflow off

to pass Ctrl-Q and Ctrl-S to applications instead of blocking screen output.

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