Possible to view two text files side by side (read only)


In emacs, we can view two text files side by side.

Is it also possible to do so in some simpler/lighter applications such as less?

Only viewing, no editing.

Best Answer

The less command by itself cannot do any diff'ing. You can use the diff -y command to show the diff of 2 files side-by-side and then pipe that into less however.

Method #1 - using diff + less

This will create 2 sample files.

$ seq 100 > 1.txt
$ seq 10 100 > 2.txt

Now diff the 2 files:

$ diff -y 1.txt 2.txt | less
1                                                             <
2                                                             <
3                                                             <
4                                                             <
5                                                             <
6                                                             <
7                                                             <
8                                                             <
9                                                             <
10                                                              10
11                                                              11
12                                                              12
13                                                              13

Method #2 - using vimdiff

You can also use vimdiff in readonly mode, -R.

$ vimdiff -R 1.txt 2.txt 

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