Piping output to text file within a for loop


I'm trying to do the following within a for loop:

  • Find files that satisfy a condition
  • Echo the name of the files to a log file.
  • Gzip the file.

I can get the script to find the files and echo their names to the screen but cannot pipe them to a file.
(I have not got as far testing the gzip part)

Here's the relevant portion of the script (The $LOGCLEAN_FILE exists and is written to in an earlier portion of the script):

for F in `find . -type f \( ! -name '*.gz' \) -a \( ! -name '*.Z' \) -mtime +7`

        print "Will be compressing file  ${F}" >> $LOGCLEAN_FILE
        } ; 
        ##gzip $F

If I run the script without the " >> $LOGCLEAN_FILE" text then the output displays on the screen.

What am I doing wrong?

Criticisms are welcome – I'm still learning.

Best Answer

There really is no need for reproducing find's output ina shell loop. If you want to pack the list of filenames, the generic formula is:

find ... | gzip > logfile.gz

If you want to gzip the files themselves, it changes to:

find ... | tar -czvf archive.tar.gz -T -

which tells tar to read list of file names to work on from a file and the single - stands for standard input. (The -T AKA --files-from= option is present in GNU tar, I'm not sure about other flavours.) Of course this breaks if you manage to work on files which contain \n in their names.

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