Perform sed operations on given line numbers


I am wondering whether there is a simple way to operate on certain lines with preassigned line numbers.

Let's say I want to output the 1st, 7th, 14th and 16th lines of a file, I can simply do

sed -n '1p;7p;14p;16p' input_file

but this gets more complicated when the operation is not just printing, and I don't want to write the same long command 4 times (and yes, I know I can construct this long sed command by substituting the same bash variable 4 times, but that's not ideal enough …) , i.e.

sed -n '1{long_command};7{long_command};14{long_command};16{long_command}' input_file

Is there a way to do the operation on these specific lines of my file? I am expecting something like,

sed -n '1,7,14,16p'

which certainly will not work in the current form.

Any help will be appreciated. "No, it is not possible." with explanations is also an answer that I will accept.

Best Answer

You can use branches:

sed '

  # for the rest to be left alone, branch off (or delete them with "d"):


(note that you can also add some 20,25b1 line ranges, or /re/b1 to include lines that match the re).

Or you could use awk:

awk 'NR == 1 || NR == 7 || ... {stuff}'

Or using a hash:

awk -v l=1,7,14,16 '
  BEGIN{split(l, a, ","); for (i in a) lines[a[i]]}

  NR in lines {stuff}'

(or BEGIN{lines[1]lines[7]lines[14]lines[16]} if there aren't too many)

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