Password Security – Easiest Way to Synchronize ‘pass’ Password Store


I moved to the pass password manager and I'm trying to integrate it as well as possible into my workflow. However, I'm not familiar with deeper synchronization/version-control concepts (git, password server), so I'm stuck syncing the passwords between multiple computers.

I'm using Linux (Debian 9) and the synchronization is done over the local network with Unison — usually I'm indicating which directories should be the same and every time, before I switch, I'm syncing between the machines. Is there a possibility to sync the password-store directories – and how, considering the keys are required to use pass.

Alternatively is there a good — easy to understand and complete — tutorial for using the git-/server-solution? (The official manual, article1, article2, article3 I found are incomplete for normal users.)

Best Answer

I've followed the step by step instructions of Mathew Robinson here and it works like a charm.

The linked article recommends making a git repository for the password store and using

pass git push origin master

to sync. Then use

gpg2 --export-secret-keys > [name].gpg

to put your gpg key in a file, which you should move to the new machine. Then on the new machine you can

gpg2 --import [name].gpg

and pass commands work normally.

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