Pass and gpg: No public key


I'm using the pass for quite a long time; but after exporting my key storage and gpg keys to another machine I see following output:

$ gpg --list-key
pub   2048R/FA829B53 2015-04-28
uid       [ultimate] Yury Shvedov (shved) <>
sub   2048R/74270D4A 2015-04-28

My key imported and trusted, but not usable:

pass insert test
Enter password for test: 
Retype password for test: 
gpg: 2048R/FA829B53: skipped: No public key
gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: No public key
fatal: pathspec '/home/shved/.password-store/test.gpg' did not match any files

What can I do to use my key again?

Best Answer

pass uses gnupg2, which does not share it's keyring with gnupg 1.x.

Import your keys again using gnupg2 instead of gnupg. If you already have your keys in gnupg on the target machine run:

$ gpg --export-secret-keys > keyfile
$ gpg2 --import keyfile

After importing, you may need to update the trust on your key. You should see a Secret key is available. message if the import was successful:

$ gpg2 --edit-key FA829B53
Secret key is available.

sec  rsa4096/FA829B53
     created: 2015-03-14  expires: 2017-03-13  usage: SC  
     trust: unknown      validity: ultimate
ssb  rsa4096/74270D4A
     created: 2015-03-14  expires: 2017-03-13  usage: E   
[ultimate] (1). Yury Shvedov (shved) <>

Now update the trust on your key:

gpg> trust
Your decision? 5
Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) y
gpg> save
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