Parse colon separated value pairs

jqjsontext processing

I've written a script that converts nmcli --mode multiline dev wifi into json but I'm finding it's inconsistent (breaks when results have a space), long, and hard to read.

I'm wondering if it is possible to pipe the results directly into jq. The output looks like:

SSID:                                   VIDEOTRON2255
MODE:                                   Infra
CHAN:                                   11
RATE:                                   54 Mbit/s
SIGNAL:                                 69
BARS:                                   ▂▄▆_
SECURITY:                               WPA1 WPA2
*:                                      * 
SSID:                                   VIDEOTRON2947
MODE:                                   Infra
CHAN:                                   6
RATE:                                   54 Mbit/s
SIGNAL:                                 49
BARS:                                   ▂▄__
SECURITY:                               WPA1 WPA2

I'm looking to generate something like this:

    "network": "VIDEOTRON2255",
    "mode": "Infra",
    "chan": "11",
    "rate": "54 Mbit/s",
    "signal": "69",
    "bars": "▂▄▆_",
    "security": "WPA1 WPA2"
    "network": "VIDEOTRON2947",
    "mode": "Infra",
    "chan": "6",
    "rate": "54 Mbit/s",
    "signal": "49",
    "bars": "▂▄__",
    "security": "WPA1 WPA2"

Yes, I did ask a related question earlier. This is the first script I wrote based on Gilles answer, it worked for some of the values but not security or rate which have spaces.

Best Answer

The script that you linked to is extremely inefficient - you're doing a lot of useless pre-processing...
Use nmcli in --terse mode since, per the manual, "this mode is designed and suitable for computer (script) processing", specify the desired fields and pipe the output to jq -sR e.g.

printf '%s' "$(nmcli -f ssid,mode,chan,rate,signal,bars,security -t dev wifi)" | \
jq -sR 'split("\n") | map(split(":")) | map({"network": .[0],
                                             "mode": .[1],
                                             "channel": .[2],
                                             "rate": .[3],
                                             "signal": .[4],
                                             "bars": .[5],
                                             "security": .[6]})'
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