OpenSuse: how to get rid of annoying “Authentication Required” dialog from auto-update


This annoying dialog "Authentication Required" started to pop up recently, just after every login to KDE, demanding root password to refresh system repositories. After a minute or so it disappears on it's own, followed by a "update failed" tray notification, which also disappears soon. It's not a blocker, just annoying and looking unprofessionally. Please, how to get rid of this?

It must be something to do with KDE/Gnome interoperability because:

  • it started to appear only after I had installed Gnome alongside my primary KDE
  • no Authentication Required pops up when login to Gnome
  • the dialog looks like it is from Gnome (KDE has a differently looking password UI)

enter image description here

The pop-up dialog says (in case you cannot see the screenshot above):

Authentication is required to refresh the system repositories.
Action: Refresh system repositories
Vendor: The PackageKit project.
polkit.subject-pid: xxxx
polkit.caller-pid:  xxxx

Best Answer

I've received some useful advice on openSUSE forum:
Credits to nrickert.

It's most likely not an Gnome/KDE interoperability issue. When I followed the process, entered password, and what followed looked like a standard KDE System Update check.

Simplest workaround is to switch off regular updates in KDE:
Right click on the tray (bottom right). Click on "System Tray Settings". Uncheck the box for "Software Updates".

enter image description here

enter image description here

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