OpenSUSE: Find all Packages without a repository


I just upgraded to OpenSUSE 12.2 from OpenSUSE 12.1 by changing all of my repositories to target 12.2 (instead of 12.1). Now that I've upgraded, I've found a bunch of packages that have no repository*, which the YaST Software Manager marks with red text in the version column. I can scroll through these and remove every single one, but I'm wondering if the zypper search (zypper se) or the Software Manager has any way to target/select all of these at once.

*- These packages had a repository (OpenSUSE 12.1 something), but since I replaced those repositories with the 12.2 repositories, they no longer have a repository association. This doesn't create a problem, because the 12.2 repositories should contain everything I need to run my system.

Best Answer

rpm -qa --qf '%-30{DISTRIBUTION} %{NAME}\n'| sort

gives you a list of all repos used by your packages. Finding the ones you don't want is left as an exercise to the reader. :-).

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