OpenSSL – Difference Between ‘genpkey -algorithm RSA’ and ‘genrsa’


What is difference between below two commands?
1. openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA
2. openssl genrsa

In document difference is "Private Key" and "RSA Private Key".

What is diference between "Private Key with algorithm RSA" and "RSA Private Key"?

Best Answer

The genpkey command can create other types of private keys - DSA, DH, EC and maybe GOST - whereas the genrsa, as it's name implies, only generates RSA keys. There are equivalent gendh and gendsa commands.

However, the OpenSSL documentation states that these gen* commands have been superseded by the generic genpkey command.

In the case of your examples, both generate RSA private keys.

openssl genrsa -out genrsa.key 2048


openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -out genpkey.key

will generate a 2048 bit RSA key with the exponent set to 65537.

Simply cat the resulting files to see that they are both PEM format private keys; although openssl rsa encloses them in BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY and END RSA PRIVATE KEY while openssl genpkey omits the RSA. The former is PKCS#1 format, while the latter is PKCS#8.

Running openssl rsa text -in <filename> against both shows that they are RSA private keys with the same publicExponent. The newer genpkey command has the option to change this using -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_pubexp:value while the genrsa command doesn't have this option.

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