Opening a vertical terminal in Vim 8.1


Vim 8.1 added the :terminal command, which opens up a new bash terminal as a split. However, it always seems to be a horizontal split, and I prefer vertical splits. Is there a way to open a terminal as a vertical split without using:


Alternatively, is there a way I could add it as a command in my .vimrc, like so:

command Vterm :vsp | :terminal | <c-w>j | :q

The command above chokes on trying to execute <c-w>j, opens a new vim split with the following:

executing job failed: No such file or directory

Just having:

command Vterm :vsp | :terminal

Works fine, but leaves the original split.

Best Answer

You can use the :vert[ical] command modifier:

:vert term

:vertical works with any command that splits a window, for example:

:vert copen
:vert help vert
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