Notify-send/notification-daemon: disable tray icon


When I use notify-send to send a simple message to notification-daemon:

notify-send "hello"

it not only displays the message but also creates a system tray icon, as shown on the screenshot below:

enter image description here

This icon will stay in the system tray until I click on it and select "clear all notifications". This icon completely defeats the purpose of notify-send as unobtrusive notification. I have used notify-send few years ago and I am sure it did not have any tray icon back than. Needles to say, this is absolutely annoying.

I have found that I can use transient option

notify-send --hint=int:transient:1 hello

Which makes the icon disappear after a certain time. This is better, but still not acceptable.

Is there any way to get rid of the tray icon entirely?

I am using LXDE on Debian Wheezy

Some answers suggest, this is caused by my desktop environment (LXDE).

I find it hard to believe. I still suspect this is caused by notification daemon. I have downloaded sources for notification-daemon package, and there in the CHANGELOG I see, among other things:

  • Added better support for attaching context notifications to an icon on
    the system tray, even when it moves. Patch by Colin Walters.

Which seems to be the "feature" that I am complaining about.

Can anybody advice how to disable systray notification in notification-daemon? When I grep the sources for tray or systray, I don't find anything. I don't know where to start.

Best Answer

As far as I can tell, you are right in attributing the system tray icon to notification-daemon. If you are not happy with the icon, try another notification daemon. Notifications work on the basis of client/server. Any notification client can communicate with any compatible server.

I myself am using dunst and I am very happy with that. It does not have any system tray notification.

There are several notification daemons, notification-daemon being only one of them. In Debian, you can list them with following command:

$ apt-cache search notification | grep daemon | grep notification
dunst - minimalistic notification daemon
inosync - notification-based directory synchronization daemon
notification-daemon - daemon for displaying passive pop-up notifications
notify-osd - daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications
xfce4-notifyd - simple, visually-appealing notification daemon for Xfce

I can recommend dunst. It is a minimalistic, yet highly configurable notification daemon.

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