USB Drive – No UDC Shows Up for USB Mass Storage Gadget with configfs

usb deviceusb-drive

I'm currently trying to make USB mass storage gadget work on a raspberry pi zero W.

My main objective is to implement both mass_storage and mtp responder functions into one gadget but it'll come later.

I followed this documentation Equivalent of g_mass_storage with configfs to write the following script which initializes the configuration for USB mass storage gadget through configfs and functionfs.


set -e


case "$1" in
        echo "Creating the USB gadget"
        echo "Loading composite module"
        modprobe libcomposite

        echo "Creating gadget directory g1"
        mkdir -p $GADGET/g1

        cd $GADGET/g1
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            echo "Error creating usb gadget in configfs"
            exit 1;
            echo "OK"

        echo "Creating Mass Storage interface"
        echo "\tCreating backing file"
        dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/pi/backingFile.img bs=1024 count=1024 > /dev/null 2>&1
        mkdosfs /home/pi/backingFile.img > /dev/null 2>&1
        echo "\tOK"

        echo "\tCreating gadget functionality"
        mkdir functions/mass_storage.0
        echo 1 > functions/mass_storage.0/stall
        echo "/home/pi/backingFile.img" > functions/mass_storage.0/lun.0/file
        echo 1 > functions/mass_storage.0/lun.0/removable
        echo 0 > functions/mass_storage.0/lun.0/cdrom
        mkdir configs/c.1
        mkdir configs/c.1/strings/0x409
        ln -s functions/mass_storage.0 configs/c.1
        echo "\tOK"
        echo "OK"

        echo "Setting Vendor and Product ID's"
        echo $VID > idVendor
        echo $PID > idProduct
        echo "OK"

        echo "Setting English strings"
        mkdir -p strings/0x409
        echo $SERIAL > strings/0x409/serialnumber
        echo $MANUF > strings/0x409/manufacturer
        echo $PRODUCT > strings/0x409/product
        echo "OK"

        echo "Binding USB Device Controller"
        echo `ls /sys/class/udc` > UDC
        echo "OK"
        echo "Stopping the USB gadget"

        cd $GADGET/g1

        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            echo "Error: no configfs gadget found" 
            exit 1;

        echo "Unbinding USB Device Controller"
        echo "" > UDC
        echo "OK"

        echo "Removing Mass Storage interface"
        rm -f configs/c.1/mass_storage.0
        rm -f /home/pi/backingFile.img
        rmdir functions/mass_storage.0
        echo "OK"

        echo "Clearing English strings"
        rmdir strings/0x409
        echo "OK"

        echo "Cleaning up configuration"
        rmdir configs/c.1/strings/0x409
        rmdir configs/c.1
        echo "OK"

        echo "Removing gadget directory"
        cd $GADGET
        rmdir g1
        cd /
        echo "OK"

        echo "Disable composite USB gadgets"
        modprobe -r libcomposite
        echo "OK"
        echo "Usage : $0 {start|stop}"

Everything seems to work until the "Binding USB Device Controller" step. After having configured everything, there is still nothing in /sys/class/udc/.

At boot, the folder /sys/class/udc/ doesn't exist and it appear after I run the script with sudo ./mass-storage-load start but it stay empty.
The configfs partition is also mounted at boot.

After I ran the script, three new modules are loaded

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
usb_f_mass_storage     44899  2 
libcomposite           52156  10 usb_f_mass_storage
udc_core               40853  2 usb_f_mass_storage,libcomposite

However with nothing in /sys/class/udc I don't know which usb device controller I should bind to this gadget.
I searched a lot on the internet to find someone that could have a similar issue but I'm not able to find something.

Best Answer

Finally the problem was that the module dwc2 had to be loaded.

So I added dtoverlay=dwc2 to /boot/config.txt and dwc2 at the end of /etc/modules to load it automatically at boot.

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