Nautilus, mount ISO file with right-click menu


I am using Nautilus now, and back then when i was using Ubuntu i could right-click on an ISO file and automount it without the need to issue any command.

But now i am using Nautilus in Archlinux and it seems that it doesn't have the needed plugin for that to work, is anybody know what is the package name, or what should i do in order to get that feature ?

Best Answer

I don't know Arch Linux, but let me share what worked for me using openSUSE Leap 42.2 with GNOME 3.20.

openSUSE has a package called gnome-disk-utility. Installing it makes available the Disks app and the ability to mount ISO images from Nautilus.

With gnome-disk-utility installed, mounting an ISO image is an easy task:

  1. Open Nautilus
  2. Browse to an ISO file and right click on it
  3. Click on Open With Other Application
  4. Choose Disk Image Mounter
  5. You will find the mounted image clicking on Other locations in the Nautilus sidebar

To unmount the image, just click on the Unmount icon towards its entry at Other locations.

Curiously, it seems that those same instructions apply to Ubuntu and Debian. I discovered Disks at Ask Ubuntu. So maybe Arch Linux has a package (or whatever you name it) called gnome-disk-utility too and you could try doing that.

I hope that helps anyone heading to this page (as did I).

[Edit] from Arch Linux Forums:

I just realized, there a thing called "gnome-disk-image-mounter" but for whatever reason it was hidden and I was unable to set it as default for images.

I think this is pretty much solved, thanks for your help.

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