Namespace management with ip netns (iproute2)


I would like to know where to look up changes applied to custom namespaces. Let's say I have a namespace "ns1" with virtual interfaces "vpeer" and "lo" inside and I would like to modify configurations of interface "vpeer" via dnsmasq or hostapd then I know that I am able to do so with e.g.

$ ip netns exec ns1 bash
$ dnsmasq --interface=vpeer-ns1 --dhcp-range=,,

and netns is doing the rest of the job by mounting it for me and manage any assignments, which I am thankful for. However, in global namespace I could monitor changes made in corresponding files or apply them directly in a file. For example in /etc/dnsmasq.conf or /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf.

So my question is, how can I copy default namespace behaviour within a certain netns namespace. I really need to know what I have already done and what is the current configuration of the interfaces in "ns1". Not least because most tutorials explain procedures like this. The ip netns man page says that configuration files are located in

$ /etc/netns/ns1/

but not even the directory /etc/netns does exist after creation of namespace "ns1". The new namespace is only represented in /var/run/netns/ns1. This file is always empty – even after applying dnsmasq commands as above – and nano shows up with the empty file but gives me some strange error afterwards when file is closed saying that

ns1: Argument is invalid.

So I switched to namespace "ns1" and tried again. Same result. So I turned every device in the new namespace down with

$ ip netns exec ns1 ip link set dev lo down
$ ip netns exec ns1 ip link set dev vpeer down

Again, same result.

So how can I access configrations files with respect to a given namespace, since afaik the applications are not aware of the non-default namespace at all? Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

You have two questions in one:

  • what are the empty files in /var/run/netns/?
  • how to use /etc/netns/ which doesn't even exist?

What are the empty files in /var/run/netns/?

Some understanding of namespaces is needed. I can't explain it in detail here. Suffice to say that a namespace once created will (partition some kernel resource such as network, and) exist as long as something is using it. Mostly two thing will use it: processes, or mountpoints in the special pseudo-filesystem nsfs. Once they stop using it or disappear, the namespace also disappears.

ip netns (which specializes in network namespaces) chooses to keep network namespaces by mounting a reference to them. Those references are all avalable in /proc/<pid>/net/ as symlinks. Example:

$ ls -l /proc/$$/ns/net
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 user user 0 Sep 25 01:05 /proc/19120/ns/net -> net:[4026531992]
$ stat -L -f -c %T /proc/19120/ns/net # filesystem type. "df" on this would be confused and point to the wrong mountpoint anyway.
$ stat -L -c %i /proc/19120/ns/net # inode

ip netns add just bind-mounts them in /var/run/netns/<NAME>. Note that while you usually bind-mount a directory over a directory, you can also bind-mount a file over a file. Note also that this file is a pseudo-file in the nsfs filesystem. It's not designed to be read, and can't be. It's mostly used to be passed around as a reference, by opening (but not reading or writing) it or mounting it:

# strace -e unshare,mount  ip netns add ns1
mount("", "/var/run/netns", 0x5625f6ca80e3, MS_REC|MS_SHARED, NULL) = 0
unshare(CLONE_NEWNET)                   = 0
mount("/proc/self/ns/net", "/var/run/netns/ns1", 0x5625f6ca80e3, MS_BIND, NULL) = 0
+++ exited with 0 +++
# ip netns list
# ls -l /var/run/netns/ns1
-r--r--r--. 1 root root 0 Sep 25 01:08 /var/run/netns/ns1
# cat /var/run/netns/ns1
cat: /var/run/netns/ns1: Invalid argument
# stat -f -c %T /var/run/netns/ns1
# stat -c %i /var/run/netns/ns1
# ip netns exec ns1 sleep 99 &
[1] 19620
# ls -l /proc/19620/ns/net
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Sep 25 01:23 /proc/19620/ns/net -> net:[4026532824]

So sleep 99's network namespace is the one from the mountpoint /var/run/netns/ns1. With this method, for example, it's possible to have a network namespace with a bridge linked to other namespaces with veth interfaces and not running any process, because none are needed.

You can manually delete namespaces created by ip netns with:

# umount /var/run/netns/ns1 
# rm /var/run/netns/ns1
# ip netns list

Of course the network namespace will really only disappear once the last reference using it (eg: process) will also disappear. You could even put it back, if the previous sleep command is still running:

# touch /var/run/netns/ns1
# mount --bind /proc/19620/ns/net /var/run/netns/ns1
# ip netns

This can be used to "copy" the network namespace's part of a full container, you just need to know some pid on the host side (eg: lxc-info -Hp -n container or docker inspect --format '{{.State.Pid}}' container) and mount its network namespace. Handy to run debug commands not available inside the container (tcpdump ...).

Everything above is ephemeral, eg it disappears after a reboot.

How to use /etc/netns/ which doesn't even exist?

The ip netns manpage tells (bold emphasis mine):

For applications that are aware of network namespaces, the convention is to look for global network configuration files first in /etc/netns/NAME/ then in /etc/. For example, if you want a different version of /etc/resolv.conf for a network namespace used to isolate your vpn you would name it /etc/netns/myvpn/resolv.conf.

Now, is dnsmasq "aware" of network namespaces? If it was (with ip netns's definition) it would check for /etc/netns/ somehow. There's no mention of "netns" in its manpage. The current Debian's (similar to Raspberry's) source doesn't include the word netns anywhere: it's not network namespace aware.

That's why ip netns manpage's following sentence tells:

ip netns exec automates handling of this configuration, file convention for network namespace unaware applications, by creating a mount namespace and bind mounting all of the per network namespace configure files into their traditional location in /etc.

It's not really explained, but together with the previous sentence this really means that ip netns exec will bind-mount, if both the source and target exist, /etc/netns/<NAME>/whatever on /etc/whatever. /etc/netns and the chosen network namespace names inside, which will contain the configurations have to be created first, manually, and actual configuration content probably copied inside and edited: ip netns exec will use them if found, but not create them.


# mkdir -p /etc/netns/ns1
# echo something > /etc/netns/ns1/whatever
# : > /etc/whatever
# ip netns add ns1
# cat /etc/whatever
# ip netns exec ns1 cat /etc/whatever

What really happened behind:

# strace -e open,unshare,setns,mount,umount2 ip netns exec ns1 cat /etc/whatever 2>&1 |egrep '^(open.*/etc/netns|unshare|setns|mount|umount|something)'
setns(5, CLONE_NEWNET)                  = 0
unshare(CLONE_NEWNS)                    = 0
mount("", "/", 0x55947eb550e3, MS_REC|MS_SLAVE, NULL) = 0
umount2("/sys", MNT_DETACH)             = 0
mount("ns1", "/sys", "sysfs", 0, NULL)  = 0
open("/etc/netns/ns1", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_DIRECTORY|O_CLOEXEC) = 5
mount("/etc/netns/ns1/whatever", "/etc/whatever", 0x55947eb550e3, MS_BIND, NULL) = 0

Of course this works the same for directories inside /etc/netns/ns1 instead of files: the whole directory will appear directly in /etc/ masking the host's directory of the same name, only if it exists.

So if dnsmasq's default configuration unless told otherwise is /etc/dnsmasq.conf, You can create an alternate configuration for ns1 as /etc/netns/ns1/dnsmasq.conf and ip netns exec will make it appear as /etc/dnsmasq.conf to dnsmasq, if there's also already a /etc/dnsmasq.conf file, even if it was empty. Since it's in /etc this isn't ephemeral and will be reused whenever you're recreating the same network namspace name. Same for hostapd and the whole /etc/hostapd/ directory which can be copied as /etc/netns/ns1/hostapd/ and its files then modified inside. Be careful with symlinks pointing outside. You can now run the commands as usual inside ip netns exec ns1: they'll use the new configuration file.

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