Tmux – Easy Way to Restart a Tmux Pane


Assume I have a tmux (1.7) window split as follows:

|           1            |
|                        |
|     2     |      3     |

Now, the vertical sizes have been customized, so it's by no means one of the default layouts.

On occasion, when a program gets stuck or when you reboot a machine to which you connected via ssh, the pane "hangs". I.e. nothing other than kill-pane appears to work.

However, since there is no easy way to rebuild above split configuration once pane #1 has been kill-paned, I'd like to "restart" it.

Best Answer

Looking at the manual, the command respawn-pane struck me, but it turned out that this didn't work. Reading more closely, it turned out that respawn-pane -k was the answer, since it would kill the running command.

This way a pane can be "restarted" and spawned anew in place.

So <prefix>+: and then enter respawn-pane -k and press Enter

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