N easier way to manipulate GRUB 2 entries


Using GRUB 2 is harder than GRUB 1 for these use cases:

  • It looks like if I want to reorder GRUB 2 menu entries appear in the selection window, I have to rename the files in "/etc/grub.d/" directory.
  • If I have to change boot order, I first have to look in "/boot/grub/grub.cfg", check when the entry I want to be default appears, then set the GRUB_DEFAULT parameter in "/etc/default/grub" to match it (counting from 0).

The old GRUB used to allow me to do all of this by just moving text entries in "/boot/grub/menu.lst" around. This much-simpler way kept me using GRUB 1 for a while. This makes me wonder if there's a specialized tool to make all of this easier.

Best Answer

Daniel Robbins,creator of Gentoo Linux, has been working on something called "Boot-Update" for Funtoo. I've not tried it. Seems to be what you are looking for.


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