Xorg – How to Adjust MWM Cursor Size


I have problems with cursor size on one of my Xorg screens on CentOS 7. I have two screens. One runs xfce4 window manager and desktop, while another runs mwm window manager. This is a custom setup, which allows a fullscreen Motif application to run on screen with mwm, and other apps on xfce4 screen. I also have special kind of monitor for Motif app, which is 2048×2048 resolution.

The problem I have is that all except one cursors are to big on mwm, while on xfce4 they are all normal. Cursor shaped "X" on desktop background is normal size while others are oversized.

Here's a picture where an one of oversizeds cursor can be seen:
enter image description here

How can I change the size of cursors on mwm screen? I have tried Xcursor.size in Xresources, but with no effect.

Here are some more pictures showing cursor sizes.
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

Another update:

I have tried different window managers to see if cursor size is big there too. KDE, for instance, works fine. However, when I open XTerm window cursors are too big within that window. The app I use also uses Xt and Motif widgets, and also shows big cursors.

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

I thought I'd share the solution I've told you about here for the posterity as it does not require rebuilding of the theme.

Similar to your setup, i'm running metacity for single full screen application without any additional UI.

Set the correct/desired cursor size in ~/.Xresources

Xcursor.size: 22

merge settings using xrdb before starting the WM by adding to .xinitrc which in my case ends up being

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources && exec metacity

NOTE: My settings are localized to a specific user used to startx, hence local config files.

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