Multiple appenders writing to the same file on NFS share


If I have 100 servers execute a command, and each redirects their output to the same file on an NFS share, will the resultant file be interleaved neatly or can it become corrupt?

For example, if this command was executed on 100 servers:

find / type -f >> /some_server/share/file_list.txt

Would it be corrupt?

ps. The command is just an example, I'm not actually listing files

Best Answer

In short: Yes, simultaneous writes from multiple NFS clients will be corrupted.

Simultaneous appends locally are nicely interleaved, since the OS knows the file is opened in append mode, and atomically seeks to the current end of file before each write call, regardless of other processes that may have extended the file in the meanwhile.

But on NFS, no such luck. The Linux NFS FAQ states it plainly:

A9. Why does opening files with O_APPEND on multiple clients cause the files to become corrupted?
A. The NFS protocol does not support atomic append writes, so append writes are never atomic on NFS for any platform.
Most NFS clients, including the Linux NFS client in kernels newer than 2.4.20, support "close to open" cache consistency,

A8. What is close-to-open cache consistency?
A. Perfect cache coherency among disparate NFS clients is very expensive to achieve, so NFS settles for something weaker that satisfies the requirements of most everyday types of file sharing. [...]

When the application closes the file, the NFS client writes back any pending changes to the file so that the next opener can view the changes. This also gives the NFS client an opportunity to report any server write errors to the application via the return code from close(). This behavior is referred to as close-to-open cache consistency.

The NFS write operations just contain a position to write to, and the data to be written. There's no provision for centrally coordinating where the end of file is, which is what would be needed to make sure clients don't overwrite each other.

(The page does seem a bit old, since it talks mostly about Linux kernel version 2.6, with no mention of 3.x. NFS version 4 is however mentioned in relation to kernel support, so it could be assumed the answer applies to v4 also.)

A little test made on a recent-ish Linux and an NFS v3 share:

Writing numbers out in a shell loop (for ((i=0 ; i<9999 ; i++)) ; do printf "$id %06d\n" $i >> testfile ; done), on two clients at the same time results in nicely corrupted output. Part of it:

barbar 001031
foo 000010
foo 000011
foo 000012

Here, the first loop on one machine wrote lines with barbar, while another loop on another machine wrote the foo lines. The line that should say barbar 001032 is written starting at the same position as foo 000010 line, and only the final numbers of the longer line are visible. (Note that in this case the file is actually opened and closed for each printf since the redirection is inside the loop. But it only helps in finding what the end of file was when the file was opened.)

If the file is kept open the whole time, larger blocks may be overwritten, since the promise is only that the client system writes changes to the server when the file is closed. Even truncating the file when opening doesn't change this much, since the truncation only clears the file, but does not prevent further writes by the other client when it closes the file.

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