Mousewheel/touchpad scrolling in Browsers


I'm not exactly sure how to formulate this, however:

When I scroll using mousewheel or two-finger touchpad gesture, the page in Chrome or Firefox continues scrolling for a bit after I've put my fingers aside from touchpad or mouse.

I don't want this feature in my system, and I'm not sure how is it called. This feature sometimes leads to unwanted behaviour, e.g. if I use ctrl-hotkey in a short sequence after scrolling, page zooms, even though I don't scroll at the time.

2 questions – how this thing is called, and how do I disable it entirely without disabling wheel/touchpad scrolling?

Best Answer

Feature is called "Coasting speed". To disable it you can use:

xinput --set-prop --type=float "<your device>" "Synaptics Coasting Speed" 0 0

to list devices you can use:

xinput list

alternative variant (for touchpads) is synclient options (there are 3 of them):

CornerCoasting          = 0
CoastingSpeed           = 0
CoastingFriction        = 0
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