OpenBox – Mouse Cursor Disappearing After Running Gnome-Settings-Daemon


I'm running Openbox 3.5.2 on Fedora 20. For extra comfort (font rendering, tap-to-click, …), I used to let gnome-settings-daemon run in the background.

Now since upgrading to the F20 beta, my mouse cursor is disappearing right after executing /usr/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon. That is it visually disappears; I am still able to click on things. But the impact on usability is unbearable nonetheless.

At first I thought compton were at fault, which I installed fresh out of koji. But removing it from my autostart doesn't change things for the better. The mouse is just fine in Gnome itself. There's nothing suspicious in .xsession-errors as far as I can tell. I'm really out of ideas right now.

Relevant system info:

$ rpm -q openbox compton gnome-settings-daemon
$ uname -sr
Linux 3.11.10-301.fc20.x86_64

The machine itself is a X121e Thinkpad with a E-450 APU, powered by the OSS radeon driver.

Best Answer

After further investigation, this post in the Arch forums revealed the answer. I used dconf-editor to navigate to org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/cursor and unticked the active setting. gnome-settings-daemon is behaving perfectly well now.

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